OnTrAK Services
Through youth and family-focused interventions, OnTrAK mental health services in the Wasilla area include:
Outreach and engagement
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning by
professionals trained in early psychosis work
Crisis and relapse planning
Support and education for family and/or youth identified
support systems
Independent living skills development
Assistance in setting goals and planning to reach youth
identified goals
Individual and family counseling
Multi-family group opportunities
Educational and vocational support
Case management
Community education
The OnTrAK team provides community education to identify symptoms of psychosis in youths as early as possible, to decrease stigma surrounding psychosis, and create a supportive and understanding community. We work with youths and families to understand their experiences and empower them to work toward their educational, personal, social, and occupational goals.
About OnTrak
OnTrAK is a transitional program from Mat-Su Health Services, Inc. for youth and young adults living in the Mat-Su Borough between the ages of 15 and 25 who are experiencing early signs and symptoms of psychosis.
Appropriate diagnosis and treatment for individuals first experiencing psychosis are critically important steps for recovery and well-being.
The dedicated OnTrAK team consists of recovery coaches/case managers, an advanced Nurse Practitioner, clinicians, and licensed social workers trained in early psychosis interventions. Research shows that when identified early, prevention of and recovery from, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders is possible.
OnTrAK provides a team approach to coordinated care of specific evidence-based interventions to assist youth in staying on their life-track.

We are here to help.
If you or someone you love has been acting out of character, seeing things others are not, avoiding people, feeling fearful and/or suspicious of others, OnTrAK may be right for you.
OnTrAK works closely with youth-identified support systems and family members to help them succeed.